China and communism


I REFER to a recent article in The National borrowed from The Guardian.
The Chinese communist government strongly believes that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes the “truth”.
The disinformation divisions of the armed forces and the party are major sectors within the government.
In this particular case: the story of the war against the Japanese been more correctly portrayed in the film.
That is totally unacceptable to Xi’s administration. There is little chance that this film will ever be seen, unless a pirated copy is spirited to the west.
The truth is that Mao’s communists did absolutely as little fighting against the Japanese as was possible.
Whenever an opportunity came to harass nationalist forces that was taken.
After the communists, with much Russians help defeated the nationalists: we were fed a barrage of propaganda about how corrupt the nationalist government was and how the ever so clean communists were the rightful victors.
Recent research has largely refuted that claim, discovering in fact; that the nationalists were rather efficient and far from the corrupt mobsters the communists portrayed.
We now know that the communist hierarchy has been massively corrupt. We will never know the full extent thereof.
Two further points which may of interest to you and your readers.
l Man did not suffer as his followers did on the ‘Long march,’ for most of the journey he was carried in a palanquin; and,
l The bogus clean “Taiwan has traditionally been part of China.”
This is not true, the exodus from Fujian at the end of the Ming dynasty with the Manchu invasion was; of what are now called boat people, starving people escaping the turmoil, it was not colonization, they were refugees from a China in turmoil.
Quing dynasty, (ie Manchu rules), China ruled Taiwan for just 10 years from 1985to 1895, whereupon it assigned the island to the Japanese.

R W Bolling

One thought on “China and communism

  • ‘In 1683, following the defeat of Koxinga’s grandson by an armada led by Admiral Shi Lang of southern Fujian, the Qing dynasty formally annexed Taiwan, placing it under the jurisdiction of Fujian province.’ source -Wikipedia
    That is hardly the ten years claimed by your writer.
    Formosa or Taiwan only exists because of stolen mainland gold and then huge USA financial and massive USA military might after WW2 as part of its role of World Policeman during the ‘Cold War’

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