Clerk backs security guards’ removal of journalist


CLERK to Parliament Vela Konivaro has supported the security measures taken by security guards in refusing entry to a journalist on Friday.
He was responding to a claim by The National journalist Luke Kama that he was assaulted by the security guards while trying to gain access to the press gallery.
Konivaro denied that physical assault or harassment was involved in removing Kama from the premises.
Kama has lodged a complaint with police and said he would await the outcome of the police investigation. Konivaro said according to the security report, Kama was refused entry into the press gallery because he had produced a 2015 identification card which was three years old. It therefore did not allow him access. Only reporters with current employer ID cards are allowed in.
“He was not punched as claimed but was removed with use of reasonable force, however, he persistently tried to gain entry despite being clearly told that he could not enter the gallery like any other media personnel.”