Clinic helps hundreds living with HIV/AIDS

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THE voluntary counselling and testing clinic in Port Moresby has assisted more than 700 people living with HIV/AIDS this year, according to head counsellor Roselyn Kasselpar.
She told a HIV/AIDS awareness yesterday that the “small clinic in Konedobu had provided treatment and counselling for 725 people who came to us for help”.
Kasselpar said the number of people coming to get treatment and access counselling had increased this year. “We always look out for people and encourage them to come for treatments and counselling when they need it,” Kasselpar said.
She said nearly 50 people had died during the year.
The clinic was established in the ’90s through a partnership between the government and Hope Worldwide PNG. The other clinic is at 9-Mile.
The clinics help people learn about their HIV status and provide counselling, a vital step to getting HIV‐related care and treatment.
The clinic is an effective strategy to reduce HIV‐related risk behaviours, including decreasing the number of sexual partners of participants.
Kasselpar advised people who suffer from stigma and discrimination to seek counselling from the staff at the clinic.
She urged people not to be afraid, but go to the clinic and find out their status if they were troubled.