Column 1

Column 1

Tall order
Mum was flabbergasted when she read her daughter’s letter to Santa Claus requesting a Christmas gift: “I have two brothers who are boring. Please Santa, I need a small sister to play with.”
Something amiss
It is confusing Port Moresby residents – police saying the landowners threatening to shut down the water supply have been paid some money, while the minister responsible is saying something else. Which one to believe?
Gentle reminder
Reader sent this note: “When celebrating Christmas, remember school starts in a few weeks’ time. You will have to pay half the fees now.”
Call for help
A reader suggests that there should be a toll-free number that people who are feeling stressed, lonely or depressed this Christmas can call. Some will find Christmas the most lonely time of the time for various reasons. Great idea.
Top song
Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Xmas is you” has hit the top of the chart a week away from Christmas.
Over the limit
This is what can happens when people cannot control their drinking. Some provinces around the country have wisely imposed a liquor ban over Christmas to cut down on such cases of being drunk and disorderly in public.
Top quote
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” -Eleanor Roosevelt