Column 1

Column 1

Why apologise
A local television station apologised to viewers watching the ICC Under-19 cricket match between India and New Zealand on Saturday when it had to be suspended because of rain. It sounded like the station was blaming itself for the change in weather and the game’s suspension.
Scary farewell
Colleague was distraught when, after spending two weeks in hospital, the doctor farewelled him at the door saying: “I don’t think I will be seeing you again soon.” The poor guy thought it meant he would be heading straight for the morgue on the next visit.
Twit and tweeter
Someone sent this: You do not necessarily become a twit when you tweet on Twitter. For example, someone such as US President Donald Trump tweets at least once a day. It does not make him a twit. His supporters take his tweets seriously.
Music concert
From a reader: Local musicians should volunteer to take part in a concert at, say, the Sir John Guise Stadium or any other central venue which should also be offered for free for the duration of the concert, to raise funds for the Australia Bush Fire Appeal. Musicians in other centers can organise their own concerts under the same conditions.
Think about it
Enemies has seven letters. So does friends. Lying has five letters, so does truth. Negative has eight, so does positive. Under has five, so does above. Anger has five, so does happy. Right has five letters too, so does wrong. Hurt has four, so does heal. The message: Choose the better side of life.
Top quote
“I hate it when people confuse education with intelligence. One can have a degree and still be an idiot.” – Unknown