Column 1

Column 1

Full house
They cannot afford the fees at the K16 million new Gordon Market, so they will grab any empty spaces in Port Moresby to sell their garden produce and store goods. These informal market vendors are using the empty Unagi Oval sports ground in Gordon for their informal business. Buses too have moved there. City Hall?
Short cut
After a long while, parts of Port Moresby experienced a power disruption yesterday, albeit for about an hour. Kudos to PNG Power.
Bad example
Son: Dad, I got suspended from school.
Dad: What? Why?
Son: The teacher pointed a ruler at me and said: There is an idiot at the end of this ruler. I said: Which end?
Dad: You are totally my son. Proud of you.
Local herbalists
A few local herbalists on the street in town claim they have the medicine scientists around the world have been frantically looking for to cure the coronavirus. The locals claim they also have the cure for TB and HIV-AIDS. Yeah, right.
Good karma
Do good to others. It will come back in unexpected ways.
Not cheap
And remember: Respect is an expensive gift, so don’t expect it from cheap people.
Thought for today
Our strengths are what people may admire, but it’s our response to our weaknesses that gives them hope.
Top quote
“The media is uncontrollable and I have cautioned warders not to use force on any prisoner.” – Correctional Services Commissioner Stephen Pokanis.