Column 1

Column 1

Extra holiday
Miss Seven planned to sleep in yesterday knowing that schools in Port Moresby would be closed. Mum reminded her that while classes have been suspended, her morning home chores have not.
No warning
Buses were still running yesterday morning in Port Moresby unaware of the 14-day ban. Drivers argued that they had not been given ample warning.
Good for health
People who depend on buses are forced to walk more. It is a blessing in disguise really as walking is good for their health.
Taxi meters
Most taxi drivers still do not turn on the meters at the start of a journey which legally they should. Road traffic authorities are turning a blind eye for some reason.
Defaced sign
Such a shame to see graffiti defacing the Remembrance Day sign at the roundabout outside a Boroko supermarket. Truly disrespectful to all our servicemen who had sacrificed their lives for a generation of ungrateful people.
Number plates
There seems to be a growing number of motorists in Port Moresby who have swapped their number plates for their provincial flags. Do the flags grant them immunity?
Chewing secret
Some chewers are using their face masks to hide their chewing in public places. Disgusting.
Thought for today
Seven rules of life: Make peace with your past so that it won’t disturb your present. What people think of you is none of your business. Time heals almost everything, so give it time. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. Do not compare your lives to others. Stop thinking too much, it is alright not to know the answer. Smile, you do not own all the world’s problems.
Top quote
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney