Column 1

Column 1

Hope in Benji
Hopefully some team will snap up Benji Marshall after he plays his final NRL game for the West Tigers this week. It will be sad to see such talent go to waste early.
Dump talk
Excited girl on hearing that her sister is pregnant: “I don’t know whether I’ll be an aunty or uncle.”
Zombie talk
Mister Four: Dad I am afraid of zombies.
Dad: You do not have to be. They are not real. Just full of make-up.
Mister Four: You mean like Mom?
Dad: (silent)
Precious trees
Some people including municipal authorities just love to cut down trees which have become part of the local scenery for years.
Not my fault
Boyfriend is demanding a full refund of all the money he had been paying for her morning pill when he found out recently that she was pregnant.
Role model
A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.
Taxi meters
People can expect taxi drivers to turn on the meter when the Eye Triple See hands over all matters pertaining to taxis to the Road Transport Authority soon.
Thought for today
Never judge people who have little to nothing. One day you may find yourself having nothing at all. Always respect others no matter what. Never look down on anyone.
Top quote
“Don’t waste your time looking back. You are not going that way.” – Ragnar Lothbrok