Column 1

Column 1

Horse patrol
One of our Pacific island neighbours is starting horse patrols – police officers using horses rather than cars to patrol the neighbourhood. It certainly is cheaper. Food for thought for our constabulary.
Forced to move
Pity that some Opposition MPs are forced to change seating so that the Government can allocate public funds for projects in their districts. Seems unfair.
Dad’s a politician
From a reader: Miss Six, when asked by the teacher what her Dad does, says “he gives money to people who need it and takes money away from people who do not need it”. Teacher was later told her dad is a politician.
Deafening silence
No one from the corridors of power is willing to explain why the hundreds of public servants who attended a dedication ceremony in Port Moresby on Monday were not wearing masks, even after they were each given one outside the venue.
Mask a must
By wearing a mask, one is protecting oneself, one’s family, neighbour, friend, work colleague. It should not be seen as a burden.
Free ride
A warning against shoplifting outside a shop.
Thought for today
Life is short and finding lasting happiness is rare. Don’t delay in seeking what truly makes you happy. No matter the challenge or risk, go after it with everything in you. It is worth it because you are worth it.
Top quote
“Often people who criticise your life are often the same ones who don’t know the price you paid to get to where you are today. Only true friends see the full picture of your sould.”
– Shannon Aider.

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