Column 1

Column 1

Own graves
A QUICK glance around and you will notice that the 12 new measures announced by National Pandemic Response Controller David Manning last week have been universally ignored by the people – especially the wearing of masks in public. We are digging our own graves.
Thanks, Australia
AUSTRALIA to PNG’s rescue again by using one of its air force’s aircraft to transport the Grand Chief home on his final journey. Much appreciated.
Slow mail
MISSY Kwin’s nambawan pikinini has just sent a condolence message – almost two weeks after the Grand Chief passed away. The palace may have been distracted by other pressing matters.
Vaccine safety
PNG should be assured by world health authorities of the safety and effectiveness of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine coming our way. At least one country – the Netherlands – has suspended its use for reported health reasons.
Potholes gone
LARGE potholes which appeared overnight along Cobon Street after the recent heavy rain in the capital city have disappeared. Mind you it’s the street right outside the Gordon police station. So, there!
Relief, glee
COLLEAGUE clasped his hands in relief and glee when the pastor in his morning prayer yesterday mentioned there are only two weeks to go to the end of Lent. His beer ban ends too.
Thought for today
TRAIN your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
Top quote
“THE Covid-19 virus does not move. People move the virus. So if we restrict people’s movement, we will significantly reduce transmission.” – Health Minister Jelta Wong.

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