Column 1

Column 1

Booster shot
NOW we are talking and moving forward at the same time. People can get the Covid-19 booster shot now – if they want. They will leave the vaccine-phobia lot behind to continue grumbling.
Way below
ACCORDING to the Covid-19 National Control Centre, 229,423 people in PNG have been fully vaccinated. That is still way below the target of around one million set for last year alone.
Fare increase
AFTER the approval by the Eye Triple Sea to increase bus and taxi fares, people are still paying K1. Maybe it is too hard for the bus checkers to find the change if they start charging K1.20!
Killing a killer
FROM a reader: PM Marape based his decision to do away with the death penalty on the “thou shalt not kill” commandment. But those on death row happen to be killers themselves!
Advice on anger
WHEN angry, always remember what Greek philosopher Phythagoras said: “In anger, we should refrain from both word and action!” Makes sense.
What a life
LIFE is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Political parties
MAKES sense that only the political parties represented in Parliament are provided funding by the Government for their administration. Otherwise anyone will be forming political parties to get free funding.
Thought for today
DO NOT disturb my peace by telling me what other people said about me. Keep it to yourself. They told you, not me.
Top quote
“THE booster shot is be important for people who have compromised immune systems or other underlying health conditions and the elderly. But also more generally, people who had their primary vaccination more than six months ago should receive a booster dose to enhance effectiveness.” – National Pandemic Response Controller David Manning.

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