Column 1

Column 1

Killer squeeze
A woman who caused the death of a man in Kundiawa in August 2020 by squeezing his testicles has been jailed for eight years. She was charged with manslaughter.
Gas signing
PM Marape arrived early for the P’nyang Gas Agreement signing at Government House yesterday. The signing went ahead despite the National Court’s injunction earlier in the day to stop it. Too later perhaps.
PNG behind
Everyone else – including Australia on Monday – in the region is opening up their borders to international travelers, especially the important tourists. But PNG?
No masks
No one is wearing face masks in public transport these days. The Covid-19 is no longer a threat to the lives of the people, it seems.
Irritating ads
Man is getting fed up with the ads he receives on social media on how to increase his size or how to stay strong all night. He blocks one sender, but another comes through. He is wondering why they are targeting him in particular.
Same storm
From a reader: Remember that we are not all in the same boat but in the same storm. Some are in yachts, some in canoes, some are drowning. Just be kind and help whoever you can.
Thought for today
Cheaters often accuse you of cheating. Liars often accuse you of lying. Insecure people often make you insecure. Pay attention to how people treat you. It’s a reflection of who they really are.
Top quote
“We are MPs from the day of the return of writs and after the return of writs – a full term of five years. There is no law prohibiting us from continuing our functions as MPs even after the issue of writs.” – Justice Minister Bryan Kramer.

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