Column 1

Column 1

Let peace prevail
Tomorrow is the International Day of Peace. Organised by the United Nations it is a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, with nations and people. This year’s theme is “Climate Action for Peace”. The theme draws attention to the importance of combatting climate change as a way to protect and promote peace throughout the world.
Monkey business
A vehicle owner in Mohali in Punjab, India is counting the cost of damage done to his roof. A monkey had jumped from a great height before his landing softened by a silver Chevrolet parked below. The fury creature looked around briefly as if to see if anyone witnessed his vandalism before he casually strolled down the windscreen and carried on with his journey.
Face to face
A wise man once told this newsroom that he does not like using Facebook. He said he would rather speak to someone face to face. Farewell General Kela.
Power nap
People from around the world have shared amusing snaps of others sleeping in unusual positions. The photos were collated in an online gallery by Bored Panda. One picture showed a dude sleeping on the floor in his bedroom. Meanwhile, the comfy and spacious bed was occupied by his pet, a cat. In another picture a boy used a cow as his pillow. And human beings are supposed to be the smartest creatures on this planet?
Top Quote
“People should not bring provincial days into towns and cities as they only create disharmony, provincialism, ethnic fighting and cause a lot of social problems. It is just another excuse to get drunk and create disharmony in the city and must be abolished,” Lae MP John Rosso.