Column 1

Column 1

Power cuts
Oops, the power cuts in the capital city are back – just as we were beginning to believe the assurances by the authorities that Edevu would fix all our power supply nightmare.
Like a mouse
After the festive season, many shut their ears to the saying “as broke/poor as a mouse” because they are indeed broke. Worse, the start of the 2024 school year is on the horizon which they have to prepare their children for.
Loan sharks
And this is the season when the loan sharks make a killing (no pun intended), as many people are broke after the festive season.
50t bags
One of the bigger bookshops in town charges an extra 50toea for a paper bag to put in all the stationery you just bought. The bags used to be free.
No mercy
Colleague has just been informed by his club that he has until the end of the month to pay his 2024 fees and, worse, the price of the amber liquid has gone up by K2!
Food for thought
When thinking about life, remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.
Top quote
“I am excited about 2024 and assure the nation that your government will be doing its best with all cylinders firing.” – Prime Minister James Marape.

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