Column 1

Column 1

Disaster agencies
With our News pages currently inundated with reports and pictures of natural disasters, we expect state agencies monitoring them to be active, including our own volcano observatory. Hey, what happened to the RVO?
Timely return
Melbourne Storm fans must be licking their lips with the return of star players Cameron Munster (left) and Jarome Hughes in time for the clash with the Broncos tonight. Mouth-watering stuff indeed.
UBS inquiry
One wonders if the Ombudsman Commission will ever get around to implementing its own recommendations in its report into the UBS inquiry. It does not require an outside authority to compel it to implement its recommendations further. Perhaps the commission is investigating further. Pray, tell.
Cocoa windfall
Never cut down your cash crop for you never know what the world market will throw up. Many cocoa growers in Gazelle who replaced cocoa with balsa must be having big haus krai, with cocoa prices now climbing to K1,500 a bag – the highest in decades.
Traffic lights
Can the NCDC engineers see what handiwork their contractors have produced at the Waigani traffic lights? The Tokarara bus route terminates at the traffic lights, and buses do a U-turn in front of the lights. The two lanes toward Gerehu are narrowed by retainer walls, such that the traffic congestion is horrendous at all hours. Perhaps it is a road built with chaos in mind.
Food for thought
Any person who has to hurt others to feel powerful is a very weak individual.
Top quote
“You are a soldier and your behaviour of drinking around with another lady while your wife and children were at the house is unacceptable. Police and defence force are highly disciplined state agencies. Use your heads as that’s where common sense comes from.” – Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika.

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