Column 1

Column 1

Giant’ footsteps
Anthony Albanese has become the first Australian PM to walk the Kokoda Track, which he describes as like following in the “footsteps of giants”.
Dress code
A local university lecturer fed up with the attitude of some of his students recently told them: “Dress according to your GPA (Grade Point Average) and come early to class.” In other words, change your attitude!
Knuckle rap
From Eels’ fan: The rap on the knuckles on Eels players from coach Brad Arthur for their recent dismal performances, including that botched job against the Dolphins last weekend, is warranted and well-deserved.
Weight loss
Colleague was shocked to see that he had lost 7kg within two weeks. He thought he was sick. He told the doctor whose curt explanation was to “monitor your diet better”. Mind-boggling stuff indeed.
Disciplined forces
It has been suggested that one way of improving the relationship and strengthen bonding between the members of our disciplined forces is through regular sports competitions and social activities. It works wonders.
Pay rise
This is what must be going through the minds of many employees each day. But then dreams are free, aren’t they? – (Tribune Online).
Food for thought
Those who died yesterday had plans for this morning. And those who died this morning had plans for tonight. So don’t take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. Forgive, and love with a full heart. You never know when you may have that chance again.
Top quote
“I am feeling a little bit nervous, to be honest. But I am also really excited. It is such an honour to walk (the Kokoda Track) in the footsteps of giants.” – Australian PM Anthony Albanese on his way to Kokoda yesterday.

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