
Column 1

TRAFFIC congestion is becoming a nightmare in Port Moresby. But there is the danger of more accidents involving PMV buses and taxis, especially when they try to cut in from an outside lane after dropping off or picking up passengers. Some serious planning is needed at City Hall.
TIME the Vagrancy Act was put to use and places of residency designated for selected people in each suburb in towns and cities. In allowing settlements to grow unchecked, the Government has allowed the growth of one ethnic group in one area – to the extent that now they pose a threat to surrounding areas by tribal or mob rule.
WONDER if those driving the big NCDC buses in Port Moresby ever undertook defensive driving? For crying out loud, that is a big vehicle you are driving and even if you applied your brakes the momentum will take the bus crashing into other vehicles at
the current speed and zigzagging you are using the roads.
AN accident involving one of those buses is looming with the attitude these drivers have. Driving like they are the king of the road. Hope something is done by the city hall management before it is too late.
HAVE you ever wondered who the discoverers of the Pacific region were? When did they come? Where did they come from and how did they get there?
IT is impossible to give definite answers to these questions. Historians can suggest the theories based on evidence, but as the search continues and new evidence is found their theories may have to change.
IN business today, readers are time-pressed, content-driven, and decision-focussed. To write effectively, remember that they want simple and direct communications. Here are three tips for giving readers what they want and need – avoid complex phrasing, be concise and skip jargon.
YOU all know why Police officers continue to abuse their powers and use force unnecessarily? It is because most or many of us aggrieved citizens do not stand up for our rights and seek justice.
THE royal constabulary has an avenue for criminal complaints against its officers. It is called the Internal Investigations Unit. The more cops go to jail for criminal abuse of Police Powers a general and more noticeable positive change will gradually come about in the way we deal with offenders and the public.
QUOTE of the day: Ask a lot, but take what is offered. – Russian Proverb
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