
Column 1

TEN years ago on this date, story that made the Aug 2, 2006 front page was on Parliament passing a supplementary budget totalling K682.5 million, aimed at improving infrastructure such as the Highlands Highway, and paying outstanding entitlements for teacher and police personnel.
STRIKING teachers were rewarded with K40 million to meet underpayments, while police got K8 million for pay rise and an additional K20 million to meet outstanding pay agreements.
ALSO at that time, a state of emergency was declared in the Southern Highlands. The state of emergency was declared because there was serious security threats on complete breakdown in principles of governance and a general lack of orderly administration.
FRONT page photo was on the declaration of Wari Vele as NCDC Governor of the by-election ahead of businesswoman Janet Sape.
STRUTHIOMIMUS was a long-legged, possibly feathered, ostrich-like dinosaur that lived in the area that is now Alberta, Canada, during the late Cretaceous Period, approximately 75 million years ago. With a slender neck and a toothless beak, it is believed that the bipedal dinosaur’s only defenses against predators were its powerful legs, which gave Struthiomimus the ability to run rapidly, much like an ostrich.
MTV is an American cable television network that was originally created to broadcast videos of pop and rock musicians. It quickly gained a wide following, and soon virtually all major pop and rock performers were making videos to be aired on MTV. In the 1990s, MTV diversified its programming, airing game shows, cartoons, sitcoms, documentaries, and reality shows. The network has had a profound impact on both the music industry and popular culture.
NEGLECTED for much of his career but now considered one of the greatest American writers, Herman Melville was born into an impoverished family and had little formal schooling. He sailed for the South Seas on a whaler in 1841, jumped ship after 18 months, and spent the next 2 years on various Pacific islands. His popular first novels were based on these adventures.
HIS masterpiece, Moby Dick, is both an intense whaling narrative and a symbolic examination of US democracy.
QUOTE of the day: Ignorance is not so damnable as humbug; but when it prescribes pills it may happen to do more harm. – George Eliot (1819-1880)
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