Commission needs to act on city’s illegal vendors


THE National Capital District Commission has failed the residents of Port Moresby miserably because the streets are still full of tables containing betel nut and loose cigarettes.
One of the most important jobs of the NCDC is to ensure that Port Moresby is clean and spotless at all times.
But that is not the case as the evidence suggests and law-abiding residents and visitors are fed up with the daily filth and mess caused by betel nut sellers and consumers.
The Informal Sector Bill, which was passed in Parliament during Dame Carol Kidu’s term as a cabinet minister, has been to the detriment of city residents because of the increase in people selling betel nut, cigarettes, ice blocks and anything else under the sun.
NCDC needs to clean the place under the new overhead pedestrian bridge, which is an eyesore for international visitors seeing all the tables and ice block coolers lining up all the way to the airport.
We must use force to eradicate all these mindless activities which do not contribute to positive living.
We must collectively protect our city but NCDC must take the bold stand and start using necessary force with police if our people continue to ignore the basic rule of law.
All this big talk about Apec 2018 by the Government sounds ridiculous if the capital city is not clean and healthy.
The city manager must act immediately and allocate funds for police to remove all illegal vendors on the streets.

Frustrated Resident