Cops gatecrash party

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FOUR students were detained and released to their parents after them being caught binge drinking on a hill behind Savannah Heights in Waigani, Port Moresby on Friday, police say.
According to NCD/Central command Facebook page, the students from a prominent high school were seen binging on a hill overlooking the Vision City Shopping complex and Hohola suburb.
Police reports stated that about 25 students ran away before police could get to them.
“There were 20-25 of them,” the report said.
“One was caught by Fox 302 while three were caught by the Hohola police.”
Some policemen went after them by climbing up the hill, but the intoxicated students fled.
NCD police in a short statement released on the Facebook page, reminded parents to know at all times where their children are.
“We remind parents, guardians and school authorities in NCD and Central to be wary of such illegal activities involving schoolchildren,” according to the report.
“Please contact or consult your nearest police station and they will arrange members of the community policing directorate to visit your respective schools to speak to the students about the consequences of such illicit activities.”