Corruption in schools


I WRITE to express my disappointment over the mismanagement of tuition free funds by secondary and high school principals, particularly up in the Highlands and, to some extent, the coastal schools.
The principals are using the TFF money, which are earmarked for school operations, to build their own empires and satisfy their greed.
The principals are double-dipping by taking from their salaries and also from the school account to pay the school fees of their own children, pay compensation, pay bills, buy private vehicles or start a business.
It is common to see a teacher, once elevated to the position of principal, to start to acquire possessions and businesses.
The provincial education department has been politicised and there is corruption involved in dealings, with some principals failing to fulfil their primary objective of developing the school.
We see this a lot in Highlands secondary schools and it is sickening, encouraged by the silence of the teachers and students.
The government should change the system and deposit the money into the supplier’s account and not the school account so that the school can only pick up the materials or goods once a proposal has been approved by the school administration.

JL kundikai kilo