Council calls for better storage


MICRO, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Council founder James Gore says there should be urgent action to address the lack of sufficient cool storage facilities for MSME products.
“I am deeply concerned about the challenges faced by MSMEs in preserving the longevity of their products, especially agricultural and marine products, due to the lack of sufficient cool storage facilities,” he said.
“It is disheartening to witness the products of grassroots farmers being destroyed by the time they reach Port Moresby, rendering them unfit for consumption. This not only results in significant financial losses for the hardworking MSMEs but also undermines the quality and safety of the products reaching consumers,” Gore said.
He urged the government to consider the possibility of establishing shared storage facilities for MSMEs to rent and store their products.
“By providing access to cool storage facilities, MSMEs will be able to preserve the freshness and quality of their products, ultimately enhancing their market competitiveness and ensuring consumer satisfaction.
“The establishment of shared storage facilities will not only benefit individual MSMEs but will also contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of the MSME sector in PNG.
“It is crucial that we take proactive measures to address this pressing issue and support the development of our local entrepreneurs and producers.
“I call upon the government, relevant stakeholders, and the community to collaborate in finding viable solutions to improve access to cool storage facilities for MSMEs. Together, we can create a more resilient and thriving MSME ecosystem that empowers businesses and safeguards the quality of our agricultural and marine products.”