Country needs good parenting


TEACH your children ethical values at home before they go to school.
Teaching them such values at school is too late.
The harassment, teasing, bullying, school fights and petty crimes such as pick-pocketing and bag snatching are signs of children not being taught the right values at the right time.
It shows the failure of parents.
The education system is not supposed to teach them values, that is the parents’ responsibilty.
Children are supposed to go to school to learn about subjects, not human values.
Yes, there are good parents out there who raise children with respect for human values, but their children turn out to be the opposite.
That happens because of the influence of other children who grow up in homes of poor parenting.
Papua New Guinea does not need extra curricula activities for moral values, we need good parenting.
Good parenting comes with the initial responsibility of choosing the right partner.
That’s the underlying solution right now.
It may take years but if we start now, we will surely have a morally strong nation later on.
We owe the next generation good parenting.