Country needs qualified leaders


MOST leaders who have been elected into the parliament over the years did not have the sound knowledge of managing national issues and making impact progresses where their inputs were concern.
Some who had been practicing corruptions of bribing voters were being voted into the Parliament and continued hijacking public services delivery funds partly and building their own empires.
This country will only progress if we have leaders who are selfless and have the heart of taking on most needed impact changes where their inputs and interventions are required.
The candidates to be voted into the parliament must be judge to deliver exceptional results both at the electorates, provincial and national levels.
Voters are to be mindful not to vote thieves into the parliament pretending to be results-driven but growing their own wallets at the expense of providing better services where they are representing.
It’s time eligible voter’s start thinking about our children and the future of this country.
This country vests on the decisions we make now to either bring us into doom or prosperity over electing of our leaders.

Yorine Inove