Court dismisses submission by foundation for lack of authority


THE National Court has dismissed two applications concerning Porgera Development Authority (Pda) and Porgera Landowners’ Association (Pla) by Justice Foundation for Porgera Ltd (Jfpl).
Justice Allan David called for a special court sitting on Saturday, June 9, to make a decision as to the power of attorney was claimed to have been given in 2013.
The court found that Jfpl did not exist at the time but came into existence in 2014.
The court also found that Pla was registered, had a constitution and was recognised by the State.
The court found that Pla was registered under the Companies’ Act.
It found that Jfpl lacked standing to deal with the management of landowner funds.
The court said there was no evidence of power of attorney being signed and given to it.
It ordered that the submission by Jfpl be dismissed.
The court ordered for an immediate annual general meeting be conducted by Pla.
Chairman of Pla Tony Mark Ekepa said he would comply with the court order and conduct a meeting with registered members as listed with the Investment Promotion Authority.
He said the issue of royalty still remained as a stop order was granted earlier by Jfpl.
Ekepa said the people had suffered over the years over the whole issue of Pda and the Pla was before court. He said a say order was granted that put a stop to payment of royalties to landowners.
Ekepa said the only means of cash flow benefit for survival were royalties from the Porgera gold mine.
He said the stop order had been in place since 2014.
Ekepa said the stop payment on royalties was now before the Supreme Court.