Covid-19 casts doubt


THE National Control Centre says the resumption of sports in the country remains uncertain with the Coronavirus (Covid-19) still a threat to public safety.
Niupela Pasin team leader Christopher Raymond Jr told The National that despite the end of the month-long measures, the pandemic remained critical.
He said the centre’s Niupela Pasin team was not able to give an exact time-frame when competitions would be allowed to resume with a number of “moving parts” to be considered.
“The situation is still serious at the moment and we’re still assessing the status of the pandemic on sports in the country,” Raymond said.
“If there’s an improvement in the situation then we will be able to give a definite answer on whether competitions can resume.
“But at this point in time, we can’t say much.
“We’ve been receiving requests and we know that there are a number of competitions wanting to resume, but we’re also mindful of their safety during the pandemic.
“The measures released in October have expired, but there will be new measures released later, that will also involve sporting gatherings and competitions.”
Raymond said the new measures were yet to be released, but his team would continue to assess requests from competitions to resume and make decisions on them according to the new measures.
The team and Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation opened its venues this week with strict Covid-19 protocols applied to users which include a limit on no more than 20 persons per venue.