CPL boss helps supermarket staff, assists customers


CITY Pharmacy Ltd Group managing director Sir Mahesh Patel was doing casual rounds at the Stop & Shop Central Waigani on Christmas Eve on Thursday.
“Apart from the fact that I really do enjoy working at the floor level, which is where I started from, it gives me a good opportunity to mingle with my floor level team members and our customers,” he told The National yesterday.
Sir Mahesh was helping with the operations in the store, pushing trolleys, handing out baskets and assisting with packing and putting products and goods on shelves.
“Doing this, you learn a lot about what needs fixing and improving from our side and also feedback from our customers of what we are doing well and not so well, which we need to improve on,” he said.
“It also motivates our staff, seeing senior managers giving a lending hand, all our support office staff were on the shop floor on Christmas Eve to help out the retail team.” Sir Mahesh said the Christmas and Boxing Day trading was not similar to last year.
“We are grateful for the 2,800-plus employees who are the reason why CPL continues to help Papua New Guineans live healthier and better lives.”
Sir Mahesh thanked CPL’s customers around the country for choosing the supermarket. He thanked local farmers who supply CPL with fresh produce.
“It truly was an unprecedented year for everyone,” he said.

One thought on “CPL boss helps supermarket staff, assists customers

  • Not many CEOs like yourself to go low and get their “hands dirty” for a few minutes. Like you said, in that way you see first hand the problems faced by staff and customers.
    Well done, Sir

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