Crowds attend expo

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TOURISM Minister Tobias Kulang has commended operators for their roles in developing the industry.
Kulang said the industry was very much indebted to the operators and industry players some of whom were taking part in the Lukim PNG Nau 2016 expo in Port Moresby.
“It is them that drive the agenda of the industry. Without them, the industry wouldn’t be where it is now,” he said.
“From the airline companies to hoteliers, tour operators, dive groups, sport fishing.”
More than 40 are taking part in the expo which ends today.
“For the first time we have some representation from provinces including Morobe, East New Britain, Milne Bay, Chimbu, Bougainville, Jiwaka and the National Capital District,” he said.
“It is very important that the provinces get interested and take carriage of the development of products and destinations in their provinces.”
International tourism operators will discuss how they can put together packages for visitors. The international agents are from Europe, North America, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
Port Moresby residents flocked to the International Convention Center to view and learn about products and services offered by international and local tourism operators.
It is the fourth Lukim PNG Nau expo organised by the PNG Tourism Industry Association Inc with the support of the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority.
Executive officer Christine Peipul said the annual event showcased PNG tourism products and services.