Customers have to provide documents

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday 6th June 2014

 I WOULD like to respond to a media statement by John Hickey regarding the Bank of South Pacific not being customer sensitive enough.

Firstly, I want to point out some issues to him that BSP is not just a financial institution largely concentrating on making profits and less prioritising its customers.

Since its inception, a modernised BSP has grown to be a household name, stamping its success and growth through its many innovative products and countless community building projects.

This bank is customer oriented-customer first. 

Hickey’s comment is unbecoming of a person with high standards.

His comment is also a slap in the face for the staffs who worked with great dignity to not only bring banking services to the remotest part but to deliver efficient customer service.

His comments can be singled out to just one area of concern, which he states “it doesn’t work out well with the staffs of the bank, telling its customers that you require this and that when they have travelled distances”. 

Again, he should be aware that there are strict policies in place for any financial lending services, whereby it is compulsory that our customers must provide documents when trying to qualify for the many products offered by the bank.

BSP also has reached out to the rural population with the aim to benefit many villages to not only to have a savings culture but to have access to the banking services. 

We will connect to as many customers as we can and we will continue to provide first up services to our customers.


Green boys

Port Moresby