Dabaris look impressive


THE Central Dabaris are confident they will be a better side in 2021 Digicel Cup season after they beat defending champions Hela Wigmen in trial matches at the Sir John Guise Stadium on Sunday.
The first match saw Dabaris Blue beat Wigmen team two 10-4 while Dabaris Red edged Wigmen team one 10-8.
Dabaris coach Gairo Pepena told The National yesterday that he had finalised his 25-man squad for the upcoming season and was waiting for the board’s approval before they could announce the team.
“The final 25 players was finalised after our trial wins over the Wigmen on Sunday,” Pepena said.
“I am really impressed with how the boys played.
“The Dabaris Blue team were basically made up of all the rookies and fringe players from last season.
“They (Dabaris Blue) played some entertaining football and there were couple new boys that really got our attention and we had to consider them for the final team.
“The Dabaris Red side had all the experienced players, 13 of them are regulars from last year.
“So it’s not official yet but our final team will consist of players like Adam Korave, Joash Toringi, Dobbie Michael and others.
“We have recruited former PNG Pukpuks forward Troy Taumu and former PNG Hunters Nicky Hasu has also left the Lahanis to join us.
“Former Gulf Isou players Moses Okokela and Ross Ravu have joined us as well. So I think this team looks good and definitely there is confidence among the players which is a good sign.”
Pepena said the Dabaris’ main concern from last season was their poor set completions. However he said he was happy with how his men had completed their sets in both trial wins over the Wigmen.


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