Damaged country


PAPUA New Guinea is diving fast into chaos and our future is bleak and uncertain.
The following reasons explain why.
First, the quality of the education and health services has deteriorated to a stage where our mental and physical health have been seriously undermined.
Second, the introduction of mobile phones has damaged the mind of our students, who are now spending more time on their mobile phones than on school work.
This problem has been worsened by the now obsolete outcome-based education system.
Third, a storm of serious drug addiction problem is now paralysing and crippling our young population.
Smoking, betel nut consumption, alcohol consumption and music, and cannabis and marijuana consumption are destroying people.
This drug addiction problem is also costing employers a lot in terms of lost production and financial employment benefits.
The development of PNG has been compromised because the current generation is neither saving nor investing for their future needs.
Our leaders should immediately address these problems before this nation descends further into chaos and ruin.

Concerned citizen