Your decision will determine the future


WE as born citizens of this nation have the right to make decisions on behalf of the silent majority regarding what is good and bad for this nation.
We have come to share common values and principles with other brothers and sisters of other countries that raise our nationality identity and separate us from the fact of who we are with the rest of the world.
Our common values and principles are what we make us today.
We cannot be the spectators at the expense of others making decisions but to make decisions of our own so long as these decisions reveal our common humanity.
The year 2017 is a year for the people of this nation to make decisions in appointing leaders.
We need to makes decisions that will not exclude anyone from the scope of developments.
Let us all remind ourselves that the decisions we will make today is not only for us but also for the benefit of our present and future generation including people from other countries who are or will be here with us whether in terms of business or  development.

Neven Amgul
Chimbu, Papua New Guinea