Defence minister receives report on death of soldiers

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DEFENCE Minister Dr Billy Joseph has received a report on the death of two soldiers during a training exercise in July last year in Central’s Kupiano which he will submit to the National Executive Council. The report was put together by a general board of inquiry.
“Such a tragedy in peace-time training of the PNGDF requires an investigation to allow our people to understand the circumstances leading to the tragedy, and enable closure to the lives of friends
and relatives of the deceased,” he said.
He thanked the board of inquiry and all those who came forward to provide evidence or testified.
He also conveyed his condolences to the families and friends of the two soldiers.
On July 4, 2023, around 4am during an exercise, the two soldiers died, while another soldier and a civilian were wounded.
Joseph said he would submit the report to the National Executive Council for its deliberation.