Delay in process questioned

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SHADOW Minister for Bougainville Affairs Sir Puka Temu has urged Prime Minister James Marape to convene an urgent meeting to discuss the Bougainville referendum ratification process.
Sir Puka said the Government’s inability to ratify the referendum results last year goes against the understanding set out in the Era Kone Covenant and the Wabag Roadmap by both the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the PNG Government.
“Prime Minister James Marape and the Minister for Bougainville Affairs need to come out clearly on when they will ratify the referendum results in Parliament and give their assurance that they will not fail on their part of the agreement.
“The ratification is the responsibility of the national government and not the ABG’s.
“The people of Bougainville did their part by peacefully conducting the referendum and engaging in meaningful dialogue with the Government on when to ratify the results.
“The Marape/Pangu-led Government have already failed their end of the bargain to ratify the results in 2023.
“And they are continuing to fail the people of Bougainville by delaying their decision on when the results will be ratified.
“It is evident the Prime Minister and his government are not serious about Bougainville, as there was no mention of it in the first sitting of Parliament this year had it not been for a question without notice from the Member for North Bougainville Francesca Semoso.
“If the Government were serious about ratifying the results, they would have made the ratification a priority of theirs on the first sitting of Parliament,” he said.
Sir Puka said with the ABG Presidential election set for next year, the people and leaders of Bougainville are running out of time.
He said Marape is in fact the post-referendum prime minister – it is his leadership that will coincide with the future of Bougainville, and he must not take that status lightly.
“The leaders and people of Bougainville will soon catch on to the Marape/PANGU-led Government’s approach of delaying and distracting from the issue at hand.
“ABG President Ishmael Toroama and his leaders have been very diplomatic, patient, and understanding throughout this ongoing process, however, Marape must not think that this considerate treatment will last forever,” he said.
Sir Pika also appealed to the four Bougainvillean MPs in government to critically assess if Marape is doing all he can in his powers to fulfill the results of the referendum. “The people of Bougainville have decided, and regardless of the ratification process that continues to be delayed, those results will still be there in history.
“The ball is in the government’s side of the court to guide this process,” he said.
Sir Puka also stated that he will be requesting to meet with President Toroama formally to discuss the Opposition’s alternative policies and position regarding Bougainville as the Shadow Minister.
He made it known that he is more than ready to contribute to a peaceful, cooperative, and mutual approach for both governments.