Department will provide funding to Fode if required: Kombra


THE Education Department will provide more funding to flexible open and distance education (Fode) if it needs to, the secretary says.
Dr Uke Kombra told a media conference that they had received reports that the number of students enrolled was likely to increase.
“From the reports that we received last year, our enrolment was 30,000 and we are expecting it to go up,” he said.
“What we have now paid them (Fode) is based on enrolment last year. So our tuition fee calculations are based on last year’s enrolment.
“But, if the enrolments jump so high and the Fode centres aren’t able to cope, then we’ll consider them as special situation to give them additional funds for this year.” Dr Kombra said Fode had printing offices in Lae and Port Moresby now.