Dept partners church to help juveniles


THE Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) and the church have partnered to help juveniles’ access to restorative and rehabilitation programmes.
Their agreement called “Improving Juvenile Justice Services Accessibility through enhanced partnership and community entrustment” was signed in Kokopo yesterday.
It deepens the ongoing partnership between DJAG’s Juvenile Justice Services branch and the church to deliver improved juvenile justice services.
The signing highlights the collaboration between church partners, including the Salvation Army and Seventh-day Adventist Church, in providing support services and pathways for at risk juveniles.
The agreement was signed by department secretary Dr Eric Kwa and New Britain-New Ireland Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church representative, Kenneth Bale and the Salvation Army representative.
Dr Kwa affirmed the role of churches through the Restorative Justice and Peace Programme and commended the Salvation Army’s ongoing work.