Development funds going to waste


THE biggest economic problem in the world is the correlation between unlimited needs and wants of the people, and limited resources.
And most top economists in the world, including PNG, always advise governments, leaders and citizens to have strong fiscal discipline; meaning budget limited resources well to benefit the citizens. Many MPs do not understand the concept of economic problems associated with the recent economic recession, hyperinflation, forex issues, etc.
The Government in giving enough money, through DSIPs to respective electorate and PSIPs to provinces to empower sustainable developments, will attract a bipartisan benefit for itself and its citizens.
Few projects were launched for the North Waghi people which included the tertiary school fee scheme, Banz township development and market house and the Kendu-Millep-Nondgul road upgrading.
Skepticism grows in the minds of the voters when DSIP funds start to disappear, and no projects are visible.
