District launches project

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THE Namatanai development authority (DDA) recently launched a K2.1 million project for schools and churches in Central New Ireland’s Tabar Islands. The project, launched at Pakinapai village on May 21, delivered five boats and engines, roofing irons (1,800 pieces), water tanks (30), pig fence (200 rolls), ovens (50), solar lights (125 families, 250 singles) as well as a 4-tonne truck for Tatau landowners association and a Lucas sawmill for the Tabar constituency.
The project concept was initiated in 2019 when Namatanai MP Walter Schnaubelt delivered a range of projects totalling 79 altogether for a council ward. It was a sea of red as more than 1,000 people gathered to witness the project launching by Schnaubelt instead of attending the opening of the Namatanai and Matalai local level government (LLG) chamber by New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan and the provincial government. Accompanying Schnaubelt were the LLG presidents for Namatanai, Konoagil, Central New Ireland, Matalai and Tanir, with other Namatanai DDA representatives, including district administrator Neville Tomon and network management team delegation totalling 75 members representing six LLGs. Schnaubelt said the project comprised K560,000 for schools, K440,000 for churches, K200,000 for the truck and K70,000 for the sawmill. He said the belhat development project which was part of his 2017 election promises had arrived. Schnaubelt said he had not forgotten about the people, and the project was an initiative of the James Marape-led government. “From 2017 to 2020, before the change of Government and becoming a minister, I served in the Opposition and never received the full allocation of Namatanai DSIP and Lihir royalties for that period,” he said. “Therefore, you would be asking, why it took me four years to visit the people of Tabar Islands.” Helen Gila, an observer from council ward four, said the people had thought that Schnaubelt had forgotten them, but he proved them all wrong with project 79.