Doctor tells people to be careful with food, drinks

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People should be careful with the kind of food and drink they consume, says the doctor in-charge at the Kidney Foundation, Dr Steven Bogosia.
He said it was expensive to undergo haemodialysis treatment once the kidney failed, “therefore, be careful with the kind of food and drink you consume”.
“Patients die at the Port Moresby General Hospital from kidney disease without a shot at getting treatment because they cannot afford it,” Bogosia said.
He said the Kidney Foundation dialysis centre was the only affordable one in the country.
“Diabetes is still the leading cause of kidney failure in the country,” Bogosia said.
“It is a lifestyle disease that is preventable.
He said saying “no to fizzy or soft drinks are a way forward in prevention”.
Once the kidneys fails, a patient will need four hours of dialysis treatment three times a week.
One session of dialysis costs K150 at the foundation’s dialysis centre.
An injection necessary to help with the production of hemoglobin costs K100.
Nutrients supplements are necessary, in addition to a strict diet.
Including the cost of transport to the centre at Kennedy Estate and back, it costs K750 per week to get a dialysis.
Joy Umbu, from Wapendamanda in Enga, said she was diagnosed with diabetes in 2001. “Kidney disease is a silent killer,” she said. “Be careful of your diet and visit the doctor every six months or once a year. Know the state of your body’s health by having regular medical checks.” Umbu thanked the foundation for what it was doing.
The Kidney Foundation will celebrate World Kidney Day on Thursday at Vision City Mega Mall by creating more awareness.