Eco-political change a must


FOR Papua New Guinea to prosper, the country must be economically transformed.
In order to do that, every economic potential of the country must be fully developed to diversify the economy to create more income generating opportunities for our people.
Otherwise, we are heading towards disaster with increasing population growth and widespread poverty.
Singapore was economically transformed. Japan was economically transformed. South Korea was economically transformed. China was economically transformed.
The economies of these countries were transformed by new ideas and visionary leadership. As the economies transformed, it created wealth and opportunities for the people.
But PNG is economically corrupted. No government and leader can transform the economy of the country.
The agriculture sector is neglected. Tourism sector is neglected. No downstream processing. No economic zone in each province.
Everyone is contesting the elections to become an overnight millionaires.
With increasing poor population and no economic opportunities, we are facing the worst possible future. We are doomed.
The 2017 elections are crucial to determine the future of this country.
Don’t vote recycled politicians who have been robbing this rich country to enrich themselves.

Lucas Kiap, Via email