Ela Motors announces changes to Hino 300


ELA Motors PNG Ltd has announced its changes to the Hino 300 series trucks with new enhancements that will meet customer’s demand, consume less fuel and improve cargo capacity.
At the launching of the Hino 300 series trucks (H300S) in Lae on Thursday, Ela Motors national truck and equipment manager John Taylor said Hino’s research and development were tied to its customers.
“In our evolving industry, your voice is vital to supply the right vehicle to the PNG market that are fit for your purpose,” he said.

Ela Motors Lae sale adviser Ken Molean (right) explaining to Mal Nalan of Post PNG (centre) and BSP Lae corporate relationship manager Jimmy Atameng the new features and upgrading of Hino 300 series trucks.

“Hino’s priority is to reduce fuel consumer and lower emissions, a balance that is actually not so easy to archive.”
Taylor said fuel accounted for one third of the cost of transport today, and considering the trend of oil prices, the cost was likely to rise.
“Therefore, in the new H300S range, Hino have succeeded in lowering fuel consumption by means of smarter electronic control systems and improved aerodynamics.”
Hino has reduced weight without compromising strength and safety, therefore, boosting cargo capacity.
It designed components and systems for higher availability.
Ela Motors retail general manager Ashley Huston said recently that the company had a restructure to look at the customer focus point with its 15 dealerships in PNG.
“But one thing we need to do is get closer to you because without you, we don’t have a business,” he said.
“So we’ve created a retail support office to have area managers with a team to improve the process, dealerships, presentation level, customer service and everything we can do to try and make a better experience for customers.”