Electoral Commission should have system to screen candidates


I write to suggest to the Electoral Commission to consider setting a criteria by to screen candidates for their eligibility to stand for general election.
Some list to include should be educational qualification, criminal record and someone who is under investigation should be denied nomination.
Candidates must have a track record in past job or work achievements and a good track record of good standing in the community.
An example of one good leader currently vying for the Central regional seat is Rigo Lua, the 6th Chief Ombudsman Commissioner.
This is a leader who is a corruption fighter being sacked by current PM for referring him to be investigated.
Central voters will be foolish not to vote in Rigo Lua as their Governor because corruption is a number one enemy and stumbling block to development in PNG.
The good news is that there is already a great shifting going on during Lua’s campaigns.

KP Eddy
Gaire, CP