Employers must have a medical officer


THE Coronavirus (Covid-19) is now a world issue and other countries around the world are trying to find ways to control the virus and ensure the safety and health of their people.
We, Papua New Guineans, are also doing our part to survive.
The Covid-19 is here to stay until God removes the old heaven and earth and replaces it. Since the virus is here to stay, we have to come up with some forms of new ways to live with it.
One big issue now affecting our work force in the country is the “No jab, no job” policy.
This idea came because of the safety of others and the fear of death.
But, along the way, we all one day, we will die and leave our employers behind.
To make it fair, the Government should pass a law and make it mandatory that all employers must create a position for a medical officer (employed full-time) in all companies and government agencies and departments.
This officer is responsible to check all employees daily to ensure a safe and healthy environment is maintained for staff.
The “No jab, no job” policy is a human rights issue and employers can lose more money if an employee takes the matter to court and wins.
Creating a position for a medical officer is the better option and I know it will greatly help fight and reduce the risk of the virus in the work place.

Christopher W Taweg