Enforce law on betel nut sales in the city


ALL Papua New Guineans should rally support behind Chief Justice Gibbs Salika’s call and respect what he considers as crime and that is the sale of betel nut in public places in towns and cities.
As head of judiciary arm of the government – the CJ is pointing out that sales of betel nut in a city as Port Moresby is unlawful under the summary offences act.
The Chief Judge call comes at about the right time to observe and consider this so the favourite nut can be traded and consumed outside the city boundaries.
It is the blossoming of betel nut trade that attracts thousands of unwanted people migrating to Port Moresby who then do other illegal and eyesore activities – portraying a bad image and impression of our capital city.
The recent black Wednesday incident could have been avoided if Port Moresby metropolitan laws were as strict in regulating the movement of jobless people into the city and enforcing a law that Port Moresby city is a no go zone for betel trade and consumption.
Enforce the law that betel nut sales and consumption is a crime in Port Moresby city.
Whoever breaks this law should be treated in a same manner as any person committing other crime.
The true image of Port Moresby will be seen in the near future.
If Port Moresby is made a ‘no-go zone for betel nut’.
