Enforce lockdown in Port Moresby


REALLY do not understand why there is no lockdown in the country.
I am struggling to make sense of it.
As I hear of family members succumbing to Coronavirus (Covid-19), I am furious.
Have we lost all common sense?
What economy are were trying to protect/safeguard and at what cost to human life?
The health system is crumbling, the frontline workers are all falling ill, families are dying in numbers.
Here we have the authorities preaching about protocols and vaccines instead of enforcing tough measures.
Since when have Papua New Guineans adhered to protocols?
Almost 60-80 per cent of our population are illiterate and they do not understand the protocols.
The time for public relations on these measures was during the first wave.
While the people are dying, the authorities are pushing to enforce protocols.
Please, stand up for what you know is right.
Enforce a lockdown and work out the strategies for a public relations drive later.
There is no sense of urgency.
People are freely moving around, enabling this virus to cause havoc.
I beg you please, we can rebuild our economy tomorrow, but we can never substitute a lost life.
