Exhibition highlights role of NGOs

National, Normal

The National, Wednesday August 27th, 2014

 Non-government organisations staged a seminar and exhibition at the University of PNG Forum square last Friday to highlight their efforts in the development of the country.

The emphasis was on NGOs’ non-profitable work on conservation and community development in rural communities.

Their theme for the exhibition and seminar was ‘Supporting Responsible Sustainable Green Development,’ supporting the government’s recently launched “Responsible Sustainable Development Strategy”.

Partners with Melanesians Inc executive director Kenn Mondiai said NGOs, like private institutions and State-run organisations, had been working alongside the government for many years and still do contribute towards development.

Mondiai said most of them were striving to operate on funds sourced from abroad yet filled necessary 

gaps everywhere in the social environment and social sectors left by government.

He said many appreciated their committed roles.

“However at times they remain invisible at the national level, creating little impression of the work of NGOs in the development context.

“Such lack of recognition is sometimes taken advantage of by those who do not understand well the role of NGOs.

“Thus, Papua New Guinea Eco-Forestry Forum with its members and partner NGOs in the country staged this event to showcase our works towards the development of this nation as equal partners in responsible and sustainable development in this country,” he said.

PNG Transparency International chairman Lawrence Stephens said NGOs’ role as an anti-corruption advocate was to ensure responsible sustainable development in PNG

Stephens said to be sustainable, they must promote accountability, social economic opportunity and democratic rights for land rights, livelihoods and the environment.