Farmer lauds project as ‘life-saving’


THE Market For Village Farmers (MVF) project is seen by village farmers as the ideal way to empower them to take farming as a business to meet market demand.
Lead farmer Raphael Mark from Kindeng, a contact farmer under lead partner PAKS Suppliers Ltd, a call 1 participant from Jiwaka, praised the MVF project as a “life-saver” for rural farmers.
“We will seriously take farming as a business and work closely with the lead partner to produce quality fresh produce to meet the market demand,” he said.
MVF project manager Joe Koima said farmers were starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel through the MVF project which was trying to narrow the gap.
“The MVF, a project financed by the IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), is a holistic investment aimed to empower rural people to shift from semi-subsistence agriculture to market-oriented production and farming as a business,” he said.
MVF is being implemented by the Fresh Produce Development Agency.