Fighting causes school closures

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THREE schools in Tewae-Siassi, Morobe, have been closed due to prolonged fighting between locals.
Lives were lost, houses and properties burnt with many people left homeless.
Gerup and Nunzen primary schools, and Sialum High School have been closed indefinitely.
The fighting is reportedly between villagers in the Sialum local level government (LLG) area. People, including students, affected villages have sought refuge in the neighbouring villages.
Education adviser Keith Tangui warned that the closure of schools would impact on students’ learning if the issue is not sorted out quickly.
“I have given my verbal approval for the three schools to be suspended,” he said.
Tangui also called on the local MP, Dr Kobby Bomareo, the district development authority, police, LLG president and the ward councillors to work together and return peace to the affected communities. “Every stakeholder has to make sure our students aren’t disadvantaged by these ethnic clashes,” he said.
“Students have to go back to school.
“Education is important, especially considering the development taking place in the province.
“Classes must resume,” he said.
“Leaders must come together and immediately initiate the peace process.”