Fisheries authority officers visit Highlands fish farmers


NATIONAL Fisheries Authority (NFA) officers led by the executive manager of aquaculture Jacob Wani spent five days visiting fish farmers in the Highlands to discuss their problems.
NFA deputy managing director Noan Pakop said it was best that the management visited villages to talk to fish farm operators on their operations and issues they faced.
“Visiting fish farmers in rural areas enables us to see how well our policies are making changes in their lives,” Pakop said.
He said while the fisheries sector was generating considerable income from tuna, it was also important to have projects and programmes such as inland fish farming.
They found out that lack of accessibility to fish fingerlings and feeds are the biggest problems for farmers. More farmers are into fish farming as the demand for fish is increasing.
The NFA is also focusing on food security and poverty alleviation in the rural areas.