Five-year-old girl dies after electrocution


A FIVE-year-old girl in Madang has died after being electrocuted by live wire while playing, says acting police commander Supt Robert Baim.
He said the tragic incident happened on Jan 28 at Biliau Maus Rot, just outside Madang.
Angry relatives of the deceased retaliated by destroying properties and burning down a neighbour’s house.
Police reported Joanna Saun, of Maringe village, Wosera-Gawi, East Sepik, was playing at her neighbour’s house when the incident happened at around 6pm.
Police said Joanna’s parents were unaware of her departure, as her mother was busy with dinner preparations and her father was away at the time.
Joanna reportedly slipped and fell while playing, grabbing an exposed wire for support, and was electrocuted in the process.
She was rushed to the Madang Provincial Hospital but declared dead on arrival.
Distraught father Gane Paul Saun said the service line connected to the neighbour’s house ran in front of their residence, just above their rooftop.
He said on Jan 25 at around 11pm, the service line, linked to the earth wire at the neighbour’s house, had been emitting sparks and heading towards his house.
Concerned about the possible threat, Saun reported the issue to the neighbours.
He said no corrective actions were taken by either the neighbours or PNG Power.
Police confirmed that the girl’s relatives retaliated by burning down the neighbour’s house and properties.
Baim said police were investigating.
He said a team from PNG Power Ltd had been flown in from Port Moresby to assist with the investigations.
Police have also called on relatives of the deceased to refrain from causing any more problems.